
2024年1月21日—OurspecialpickfromthislistofvideocapturesoftwareforaMacisMovaviScreenRecorder.FullycompatiblewithMacdevices(including ...,Trythiseasy-to-usefreescreenrecorderforWindows10or11forself-education.Grabthewebinars,onlinecourses,orTEDTalksyouwanttoattend.,2023年5月5日—DownloadandinstallMovaviScreenRecorderfromitsofficialwebsiteonyourMacBookAir,MacBookPro,etc.·Launchtheprogram.·Optionall...

15 Best Free Screen Recorders for Mac in 2024

2024年1月21日 — Our special pick from this list of video capture software for a Mac is Movavi Screen Recorder. Fully compatible with Mac devices (including ...

Free Screen Recorder for PC and Mac

Try this easy-to-use free screen recorder for Windows 10 or 11 for self-education. Grab the webinars, online courses, or TED Talks you want to attend.

How to Screen Record on Mac (MacBook AirPro, iMac)

2023年5月5日 — Download and install Movavi Screen Recorder from its official website on your MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, etc. · Launch the program. · Optionally, ...

Movavi HD Screen Recorder on the Mac App Store

2023年8月8日 — Record any screen action you want with our handy app Movavi Screen Recorder! Capture video of your display and grab sound.

Movavi Screen Recorder 1

Description. Movavi Screen Recorder for Mac is an easy-to-use tool that is perfect for a variety of screen capture tasks: grab streaming video and audio from any website, capture conference calls on Skype, record your desktop to create a video guide compl

Movavi Screen Recorder 23.1.1 屏幕录像工具

2023年8月10日 — Movavi Screen Recorder 是一款Mac平台的屏幕录像工具.

Older versions of Movavi Screen Capture (Mac)

Record everything on your screen. Older versions of Movavi Screen Capture ... Download rollbacks of Movavi Screen Capture for Mac. Any version of Movavi ...

[Mac] Movavi Screen Recorder 螢幕錄影教學

目前已成為我要製作教學影片的首選! 看完這篇文章介紹覺得不錯的話,可以先去官網下載試用版來用用看喔!

【可重灌】Movavi Screen Recorder for mac 影片剪輯 ...

Movavi Screen Recorder Mac中文版,一款屏幕錄制和編輯軟件,捕獲全屏視頻或屏幕的任何區域: 桌面、web 瀏覽器、在線視頻或Mac 屏幕上正在執行的任何其他操作。 此外,您 ...

在Mac App Store 上的「Movavi HD Screen Recorder」

Movavi Screen Recorder 是一款方便使用的應用程式,可讓您直接從電腦螢幕錄製畫面與擷取圖片。 開始使用只要3 個簡單步驟就能把程式設定好,並開始錄製高品質的內容。